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KALIKA means silk in Hawaiian.
We are a Hula&Yoga wear brand.
Our clothing is made mainly from silk fabric.

Usually, the sports wear industry focuses on functional fabrics which are synthetic and mass produced in large sweat shops.
KALIKA's philosophy is that clothing should be in harmony with the natural environment. We want to use natural fabric and manufacture, our products in small stress free facilities. We feel that this creates a perfect harmony between the clothing and the peaceful and relaxing practices of Hula&Yoga.

We would like to provide "HOGURERU" clothing.In Japanese "HOGURERU" means to come a part or to loosen. This word can describe the process of making silk because the cocoon mast unravel to become thread. We want you to become relaxed and free when you wear our clothing.

We also choose to use silk for its amazing functional qualities, it absorbs moisture 1.5 times more than cotton, making it more comfortable in all temperatures. Silk also has antibiotic properties.Our name tag is 100% silk also.The Pau skirts( Hula's Skirts ) is considered a sacred item in which someone's spirit lives. Therefore it is not usually washed, for this reason silk is the ideal fabric for this skirts.

At KALIKA we want to apply the concept of "Fukuyou". In Japanese today, Fukuyou means taking a medicine. However the word Fuku means clothing. In ancient times, this word was used to mean both taking medicine and also wearing clothing to protect the body from evil spirits.Therefore Fukuyou is the ancient idea that clothing can help heal and protect the body.

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